Just The Beginning - A Pipeline Organization
2025 Summer Judicial Internship Diversity Project Volunteer Registration

Page 1 - Program Information

Summer Judicial Internship Diversity Project

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Summer Judicial Internship Diversity ("SJID") Project. The SJID Project is national in scope and will place law students as judicial interns in federal appellate, district, bankruptcy, magistrate and select state appellate judges' chambers across the country. 

The SJID Project's goal is to provide highly qualified law students from underrepresented backgrounds in the legal profession with summer judicial internships. Over 150 judges have already registered to participate in our efforts and are looking to the SJID Project for summer interns. 

We would greatly appreciate your time and effort in helping the SJID Project move forward! There are three different volunteer opportunities that are available during the SJID Project. 

Deadline to register is April 1, 2025. 

*Please note that volunteers should have a legal background with an understanding of the expectations and standards for performance in a state/federal judge’s chambers. Current law students will not be considered to evaluate the candidates. 

JTB will follow up with you for further details once you have signed up. If you have any questions, please contact Cristina Figueroa at sjidproject@jtb.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please select the volunteer opportunities you plan to participate in. Please ensure you are able to review the candidates during the time you sign up for. JTB relies on this registration to assign candidates to volunteers and any reviewer who opts out unexpectedly leaves students without a reviewer. We appreciate your time and work in reviewing JTB candidates. 

Page 2 - Personal Information

Contact Information

If your court is not listed, please select other. If you are a retired judge, please indicate the last court you sat on.

Demographic Information
The following information will used for demographic purposes only.

Page 5 - Signatures and Consent

Privacy Policy
Any information supplied to Just The Beginning – A Pipeline Organization (JTB-APO) by participants, parents, volunteers or others will be used solely to fulfill their program participation and shall not be shared for any reason unless permission is granted by the the participants, parents, volunteers or others to share such information. JTB-APO does not sell or share participants, parents, volunteers or other lists. Participants, parents, volunteers or others who supply JTB-APO with their postal address or email address may be contacted periodically for solicitation purposes and/or with information regarding upcoming events. Participants, parents, volunteers or others may request to be permanently removed from JTB-APO’s mailing list by contacting us via email, phone or postal mail. All requests to be removed from JTB-APO’s mailing list shall be honored. participants, parents, volunteers or others who supply JTB-APO with their telephone number shall only be contacted by telephone regarding their program participation.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The officers, directors, committee members, employees, and persons served by this organization shall be selected entirely on a nondiscriminatory basis with respect to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation.  It is the policy of JTB-APO not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, veteran’s status, political service or affiliation, color, religion, or national origin.
Special Accommodations
Special accommodations are available for program participants who meet eligibility criteria and sufficiently document their request. Program participants who have a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, or a scheduling conflict due to a religious Sabbath or a military appointment may request special accommodations.

Photo Release Form
In consideration for my volunteering for Just The Beginning – A Pipeline Organization (JTB-APO) program or activity, I hereby grant permission to JTB-APO and each of its affiliated or subsidiary companies, their successors, agents, and assigns to utilize my name, voice, and likeness (including, but not limited to, photographs and any video/audio recording of my appearance at the program or activity) in any and all manner and media, now known or hereafter developed, throughout the universe in perpetuity without limitation and without additional compensation or consideration, notification, or permission, unless prohibited by applicable law.

I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve any finished product (including, but not limited to, any blog, newsletters, brochures, videos, slide shows, websites, and/or other materials) or any advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it is applied. I hereby warrant that I have the right to make this release and that my granting this waiver and release and the rights conveyed thereby will not infringe upon the rights of any third party. I hereby assign all rights, title, and interest I may have in any and all media now known or hereafter developed in which any or all of my appearance, name, voice, and/or likeness have been captured in connection with the program or activity to JTB-APO, along with full rights of assignability. I understand and agree that any photographs and/or video/audio recordings I make at the JTB-APO program or activity shall be used solely for my private, noncommercial use, and that absolutely no sale, transmission, distribution, or commercial use of any such photographs and/or video/audio recordings or descriptions are permitted.
I have read and understand the above: